
Blake dress - La Folie Sewing Booth

Hi friends! Today I bring you my version of Blake, a great sewing pattern from Mingo&Grace that allows you to create the most stunning dress! I was really keen on testing this one ever since I saw this image on Stylo, but when time came I wasn’t able to do it. Well here I am now finally giving it a try.


I’ve been working on this dress since the end of the year, don’t be scared, working really means searching for fabric and gathering ideas and not actual sewing time hahaha. I wanted to make something special but at the same time I really wanted to use a more casual type of fabric so that Madalena could wear it to school. I know, to school? Yes I’m not the keep the good clothes in the closet kind of person and we don’t go to enough parties to justify that anyway. hehehe 😉


I searched a bit lot and my friend Marta even shared with me a portion of a beautiful blue twill? so that I could make it. But all I could think was grey or black with gold and – don’t ask me how this came to me – a Cross stitch Peter Pan Collar. I happened to have a great double wooly knit (I don’t really know the right name for it ha) piece of fabric, I had bought at my local fabric shop, one side grey and the other black. Though my plan was to use the black side I changed it in the last minute, probably inspired by this great version of Blake.

I started by making the collar, which actually was the inspiration for my first Sewing Rabbit Tutorial, have you seen it yet? I’m really still pinching myself because I don’t believe Jessica invited me to join such an amazing group of ladies. And yes the tutorial works perfectly in knits too in case you were wondering. 🙂

Blake Dress - La Folie Sewing Booth

Anyhoo, I’ve finished the collar and moved on to actually making the dress; a bit of a bumpy journey mostly because I’m one of the most distracted persons you’ll ever meet. I opted for the lined version because of my collar, but only on the bodice. I got a bit bummed since I should have under-stitched the collar part before sewing the rest of the lining; first learning curve for your dear friend. 😉 Next I’ve managed to not pay attention to all the diagrams and versions of the skirt pleats I had seen and sewed them the wrong way – with stretch stitch, are you feeling my pain yet? Yes I’ve unpicked the whole seam…


And then the time came to sew the dreaded invisible zipper… I had never installed one. I’ve confided my fears with my good friend Mie, who by the way has a great tutorial for this technique, and she tried to tell me that I would be ok, but you know, I just had a feeling… And I was right. Installing an invisible zipper on a super thick fabric like this on the first time you’re trying this technique may not be such a great idea. Despite using my special invisible zipper foot I managed to sew through some of the zipper teeth, which obviously caused the zipper to get stuck; I was totally unsuccessful in sewing close to the teeth were the bodice and skirt seams match because of my thick fabric bulkiness and somehow the zipper come to be a bit over the top of the bodice. Phew!! Another learning curve, but it came to be somewhat presentable; not invisible though because I had bought a black one and thought it would be ok with the grey fabric, clearly it isn’t… heheheh


Gosh, do you see the pointy shape on the top of the bodice? Who am I kidding, sure you do. And don’t get me talking on my imperfect pleating on the back seam, terrible!!! But I had to show you a photo because I’m not a perfect sewer, I’m learning, I make mistakes; but that doesn’t keep me from trying harder and better next time. And all the “pretty” ahem (I try but grainy ones is the best you’re getting heheheh) photos on this blog, are taken to inspire others in giving these ideas/patterns/fabrics/techniques a try; you should never think something is too hard, just give it a try and you’ll feel super proud of your accomplishments! Even if they end up looking like that. 😀

Blake Dress - La Folie Sewing Booth

Well Madalena is IN LOVE with this dress, she literally couldn’t wait for me to finish, I can assure you that it doesn’t happen often. She loved the twirl factor, and of course the gold. 😉 It really is a great pattern and despite all of my rookie mistakes it’s not a complicated sew at all. In the end I can say I’m really happy with this version (as far as I’m not seeing the back heheheheh).

Blake dress - La Folie Sewing Booth

Perfect to show off some ballet moves! 😀 Or maybe some more contemporary dancing listening to this great song; yes you’ll have to listen to know why I chose this one. 😀 😀 😀

Blake Dress . sewing pattern by Mingo&Grace - La Folie Sewing Booth

Thank you so much Farrah for this amazing pattern, your sense of style is incredible and super inspiring. And for those of you that aren’t sewers you should know that Farrah is selling limited editions of this dress at her stitch shop, but you have to pay attention because first edition is already sold out, naturally!!

25 thoughts on “Blake

  1. O vestido está lindo, mas a modelo: Linda,Linda!!!!!!Não tenho palavras, é a minha Bailarina preferida,beijinhos grandes da ti-ti Dora.

  2. Ines esta espectacular! Ninguem repara nessas imperfeiçoes… Adoro esses colarinhos! O vestido no qual te “inspiraste” e o tecido que tenho usado nas minhas sweatshirts… Tks graças a ti ja sei como se chama 🙂 QUEIXA: fazes coisas tao expectaculares que e uma pena nao vires aqui mais vezes mostrar… LOL

  3. Thank you so much for sewing up my pattern. You know I adore you and your work! The collar is simply brilliant. Invisible zippers are a labor of love in the beginning but so worth it when you get it right.

  4. Lindo como sempre, mesmo com imperfeições (que nem se vêem!) Adoro o tecido, a gola e o Styling! Como sempre a modelo é fantástica! Percebo perfeitamente porque é que ela adorou o vestido… qualquer “princesa” adoraria!

  5. Ines this is so gorgeous, perfect choice of fabric and Madalena looks so pretty in it. I think only you will notice the imperfections, everyone else will be looking at that amazing collar!

  6. Espetacular Inês. Os erros façam parte da aprendizagem e até as grandes costureiras os fazem, e é bom reconhece-los e saber que podemos fazer sempre melhor. um hi5 para ti por teres enfrentado algo que nunca tinhas feito antes. Essas golas em ponto cruz são lindas, e super originais que é uma coisa que hoje em dia é difícil de encontrar e ainda te admiras por teres sido convidada pela Jess para a equipe dela. Parabéns pelo vestido, está lindo. E agora já chega, vou-me “calar”.

  7. This is so, SO beautiful! That gold cross stitched collar contrasted against the grey knit . . . just perfect! And be gentle with yourself for the first time putting in an invisible zipper – I have had my hair-pulling experiences as well with invisible zippers and now have a healthy fear of them:) I thought the back looked pretty good!

  8. Yep, I am into wearing handmades everywhere. Some people experience a bit of shock when they realise the clothes my daughter wears to childcare to paint and play in the sandpit is handmade! I think your dress is perfect, despite learnings. Yep, not gonna call them mistakes. The coolest thing about sewing things is that we constantly learn something new, right? And your cross stitched collar is glorious. So gotta give it a go one day!

  9. This is definitely one of my favorite versions of the Blake dress! So so beautiful! And that x-stitched peter pan collar – again, you are a genius my friend!
    Trying new techniques and conquering personal sewing challenges is one of the things I love the most about sewing! Next time it will be better, and in no time you will sew invisible zippers with your eyes closed (okay, not actually closed but you know what I mean. 😀 ).

  10. Como é que é possível não ter visto este post!! (não estou a receber as notificações :-() ADOREI está fantástica a tua versão 🙂

  11. Pingback: mg 2716 or Womens Blake dress has I like to call it | La Folie

  12. Está tão bonito Inês 🙂
    Ando a namorar este molde há algum tempo (imagino-o numa malha neoprene), e este post deixa-me com ainda mais vontade de o comprar!

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