New favorites

NOSH just launched a new collection and, as usual, I’m dying with all the gorgeousness. Seriously the colors they used are totally in line with what I like to wear, as soon as I saw the new fabrics I was drawn to the big leaves print. Initially I was aiming the blue green (this) ho make a dress (that will probably still happen) but then I thought about making a jumpsuit and I just had to get the Olive one (this) instead. 

The past Summer I bought a jumpsuit from Zara, it was one of the few moments of weakness last year in buying something for myself from “fast fashion brands”… I’m almost achieving my goal of making all the clothes I need but I really loved it and couldn’t help myself, no one is perfect right?! I’ll be wearing it for long because the quality seems good so far, so that makes me feel a little less guilty… Anyway as soon as my eyes crossed those green leaves it just felt like I had to try and copy that jumpsuit; and so I did. 

It’s definitely not perfect because my experience with drafting patterns is almost zero/nada/zilch heheh but the result is totally and absolutely wearable and I’m sure it will be in heavy rotation once it gets warmer. The main reason for me to say it’s far from perfect is the fact that the inner leg seams are twisting to the front in all craziness. I’m not sure if it was a grain problem, “pattern” or sewing but I’ll do my best to discover. 😛

The construction was rather simple and straightforward, apart from the binding that also forms the straps on the top. Seriously I almost gave up on the whole project (no I didn’t but it was close heheheh). I decided to make it in rib knit, also from NOSH (material that I love and used successfully many times before), unfortunately I believe it wasn’t best choice for this particular design since I didn’t want too much elasticity on the straps. Even worse when I topstiched the first time using a regular stitch it stretched out the straps a bit. First take on unpicking the whole thing to make the straps smaller. Sigh… I should have changed, right at that moment, the binding to jersey but I was so fond (and still am) of that contrasting color…

The second time my topstich was so miserable that I just had to unpick it all again. I seem to recall other sessions of partial unpicking, so there may have been some other issues like bobbin thread all tangled up on the first stitches and all those wonderful things that happen to us sewers from time to time; particularly during projects that are already going wrong… not sure why this happens hahaha Ohh the joys of unpicking stretch stitches…!!

Anyway I then (FINALLY) decided to hand baste the binding first and then topstich which worked good enough for me to be able to wear with without shame. Hehehe 😀 In the end I’m happy I sticked to the rib because I really love the contrast.

Ohh I hate the behind photos… heheh

Fit wise I’m happy too, however the top could use some changes, it comes a bit too low on the underarm and has a bit of excess fabric. I think next time I’ll taper it a bit from the waist up. I may even change the top a bit to avoid the thin straps… Ideas… Ideas… For a moment I considered turning this into a pattern but then I remembered I’m not a pattern maker… hahah That little detail… 😀

Ohh boy! How awesome does this pair with my Morris Blazer from last year?!! Totally unplanned but super cool! ❤ (you can see more on that project here)

Well now you now what are my new favorite things: this perfect fabric, super soft as usual in a print that stole my heart; and this jumpsuit which I’ll wear a million times for sure. ❤ You can check out all the new NOSH fabric collection here; Lumo Olive Jersey here and Rib knit here.

Thanks for stopping by! Hugs! ❤

The fabric I used in this post was given to me by NOSH, but all the opinions are my own.

19 thoughts on “New favorites

    • Thank you so much, I agree that it was worth the trouble but I could have make it easier for myself if I wasn’t such a lazy optimist hahah. ❤ Your comment was indeed in the spam folder not sure why, thanks for taking the time to email about it. xo

      • Ah thx. I’m sure there are older ones in there… I just found out recently why my reactions keep getting lost…. it happens at other blogs too.

  1. I’m a sucker for jumpsuits and this one is awesome! Looks so great on you! I fell for that print too, but mine is black and yellow. I think you should reconsider drafting the pattern. I’m sure there’s an eager group of testers at your disposal. ;D

    • Thank you so much sweet friend. Happy you like it, can’t wait to see what you’ll make with the black one, love it too. Regarding the pattern let’s see what happens heheh I’ll definitely ask your help with testing if it goes anywhere 😉

  2. Gah, this is sooooo good and you look drop dead gorgeous! This style fits you perfectly and your fabric/print choice is amazing. I wasn’t even that drawn to it in the shop but you might have changed my mind 🙂 I’m giggling at your comment “be able to wear without shame.” hahahaha, I love your humor!

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