Say what? Wait let me say it again: I’m a contributor on this edition of STYLO!!

Nope didn’t work, I’m still pinching myself… But its real, it happened, and I’m super excited for finally being able to share this with everyone!

La Folie - STYLO 04

When I got the invitation I couldn’t believe it… STYLOs’ extraordinary editors Celina and Jess have been super kind to me and have been sharing with me amazing opportunities, but I was really honored and a bit proud (I must confess) to know that they like my sewing projects enough to have them on their fabulous magazine!

Oh yes, for those of you who may not know STYLO yet, let me tell you its just the most amazing and cool online kids style sewing magazine in the world! Ever since the first issue came out it has been a great source of inspiration, from the outfits made, to styling, to incredible photos so if you’re new to it go ahead and have a look on the past issues as well, after seeing the current one obviously! 😀

La Folie - STYLO 04

You already know I’m a bit crazy, so guess what was my first thought after getting the invitation (and perhaps also some happy dancing and silly giggling)? I have to ask Andrea Lauren to make a special print for this!!! Oh yeah, I did it… I asked… (honestly I wrote the email and just closed my eyes to hit send because otherwise I wouldn’t have had courage to do it.)

Can you imagine how I felt when she replied saying Yes to my crazy idea? I was beyond happy. There are no words… It was just one of those perfect moments… And then a bit of panic in between obviously because Andrea is one of my favorite designers ever and I could make clothes with her prints FOREVER! She was so kind in wanting to take part in this with me, I can’t thank her enough! ❤ ❤ ❤

 Andrea created a super cool collection of prints, exclusive for my spread (yes I still feel like it’s not real has I’m writing these words) on STYLO called Summer Citrus in various color ways. I chose pink and white for my projects, but honestly I wanted them all!! heheh 🙂 And the best part is that they’ll all be available on her print shop!! YAY

La Folie - STYLO 04

I’ll be sharing full posts on the outfits I made soon, and I’ll talk about in detail about the fabrics and patterns used. For now you have all the information about my makings in the magazine.

I really wanted to take time to thank all my wonderful fabric sponsors for this spread.

A big Thank You to:

Spoonflower – pink Summer Citrus print in Organic Cotton Knit and Silky Faille Design on Textile – white Summer Citrus print in voile Petite Couture – Nosh Organics Jersey in Green and Pink Stripe NOSH Organics – Flamé Cotton Knit in Dark Yellow + Organic Rib in dark Yellow Michael Miller – Lattice Eyelet in Black



Michael Levine – Cotton Voile in CyanCotton Lawn in Ivory  – Michael Levine is generously sharing a 10% discount on your entire purchase by using the coupon code ‘STYLO4‘.

La Folie - STYLO 04

This was such an incredible experience!!! The only thing I regret is not being better at taking photos because lets face it STYLO deserves it! 😉 Do I hear anyone volunteering for and if I ever get invited again? hahahah Just raise your hand! 😀

I’m so honored to be among that incredible group of contributors!! I have no words! Now go on and see the entire issue because it’s super fabulous as usual.

Thanks a million Celina and Jess for all the opportunities you bring me! You girls are in my heart forever! ❤ ❤ ❤

15 thoughts on “STYLO 04

  1. What? You wrote Andrea Lauren? You are simply wonderful, Ines! Freakingly awesome 😀
    But, uh yes, totally worth it! I especially love the twisted trousers. Totally want them in my wardrobe 😉

  2. You sure did an amazing job!! Congrats, you deserve it 🙂 I can’t wait to see more about it, the fabric, patterns, everything…

  3. Just goes to show, if you don’t ask, you don’t get. It’s so, so cool that you had fabric designed especially for you. That is so special. However the ash jumpsuit is my favourite, I hope I can see more pictures when you blog about it.

    And guess what, I literally just realised this minute that you sewed a Ziggy top, how did I miss that? Thank you so much Ines, it looks great. xxx

  4. So closing your eye is obviously a key 😉 Your creations are gorgeous and I am so happy you got to be a contributor for such an amazing mag! Looking forward to reading all about your creations 🙂

  5. Fantástico Inês! Mereces sem dúvida o teu lugar na Stylo! O tecido é lindo, também adoro os prints da Andrea. Muitos parabéns! 😀

  6. Pingback: STYLO 04 . Pink Summer Citrus looks | La Folie

  7. Já tinha visto, mas ainda não tinha tido a oportunidade de te dar os parabéns pela tua participação!!! E que bela participação, que orgulhoso que eu fiquei de ti Inês! (com direito a sorriso pateta no rosto e tudo, heheheh)

  8. Pingback: STYLO 04 . White Summer Citrus looks | La Folie

  9. Isto de falar contigo regularmente por outras vias fez com que te desse os parabéns em todas as outras vias menos aqui… 🙂 Parabéns!!! O teu spread na Stylo foi muito bom! Óptima escolha de tecidos e de moldes!
    E que coragem essa de te atreveres a escrever à Andrea Lauren a pedir-lhe “só” que desenhasse um padrão de tecido “só” para ti! Fantástico! Só provas um dos meus motes de vida, que se a pessoa não tentar nunca vai saber… Tu tentaste e conseguiste! Tens todo o mérito por isso!

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